Understanding the Concept of Sustainability

Understanding the Concept of Sustainability

Incorporating sustainable standards in a corporation’s branding and identity can open new possibilities and an increase in demand. However, there is still the factor of actually adopting and implementing these values. There are many ways to embrace sustainable practices in metropolitan areas, commercial spaces, and even at home. Chris Baskind of Mother Nature Network even highlights 12 easy-to-follow methods to a greener 21st century. Ultimately, these techniques are planned, adapted, and applied in an utterly…

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The Clock is Ticking

The Clock is Ticking

The clock is ticking on new data protection regulation that has a myriad of major implications for ill-prepared organisations. GDPR, it seems, is the elephant in the room… Worms are burrowing into businesses. Trojan horses are galloping through data centres. In today’s digital Wild West, technological advancement is a double-edged sword. For health sector businesses seeking to embrace the upsides, it can be the difference between life and death. For the end-user, the digital revolution…

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Capitalising on the Digital Transformation Agenda

Capitalising on the Digital Transformation Agenda

By Spencer Wyer, Group Chief Technology Officer at EDM Group Digital transformation remains a key buzz word across the UK business landscape, with the majority of companies looking at how new technologies can transform business models and drive growth. One of the areas in which digital technologies are playing a profound role is how firm’s manage and analyse the vast amounts of information and data they generate, and the solutions and platforms they use to…

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